Вечно-безмолвное Небо, смутно-прекрасное Море

Вечно-безмолвное Небо, смутно-прекрасное Море,
Оба окутаны светом мертвенно-бледной Луны.
Ветер в пространстве смутился, смолк в безутешном просторе,
Небо, и Ветер, и Море грустью одною больны.
В холод гибнет и меркнет все, что глубоко и нежно,
В ужасе Небо застыло, странно мерцает Луна.
Горькая влага бездонна, Море синеет безбрежно,
Скорбь бытия неизбежна, нет и не будет ей дна.

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A Party Of Lovers

автор: Джон Китс

Pensive they sit, and roll their languid eyes,
Nibble their toast, and cool their tea with sighs,
Or else forget the purpose of the night,
Forget their tea — forget their appetite.
See with cross’d arms they sit — ah! happy crew,
The fire is going out and no one rings
For coals, and therefore no coals Betty brings.
A fly is in the milk-pot — must he die
By a humane society?
No, no; there Mr. Werter takes his spoon,
Inserts it, dips the handle, and lo! soon
The little straggler, sav’d from perils dark,
Across the teaboard draws a long wet mark.
Arise! take snuffers by the handle,
There’s a large cauliflower in each candle.
A winding-sheet, ah me! I must away
To No. 7, just beyond the circus gay.
‘Alas, my friend! your coat sits very well;
Where may your tailor live?’ ‘I may not tell.
O pardon me — I’m absent now and then.
Where might my tailor live? I say again
I cannot tell, let me no more be teaz’d —
He lives in Wapping, might live where he pleas’d.’


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